Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Minority Report Frame

The shot I analyzed was the 23rd of the 26 shots. This shot was a close-up of Agatha. All that is visible is Agatha's neck and entire face. It could perhaps be considered a point of view shot from Anderton, who was standing next to his ex-wife right in front of Agatha in the scene. While the foreground is clearly occupied by Agatha's face, the background shows the top left corner of a window. Light is beaming in intensely through this window and aids to present Agatha as a prophet of sorts-she speaks the truth. While sitting in the Anderton house, Agatha predicted what Anderton's son would be like in the future, and so it seems the light shining down on her assists Speilberg to portray her significantly at this point in time where she tells the future. (At least, what would have been the future). The shot is composed in such a manner that it somewhat seems like a low-angle shot looking up at Agatha. This would also coincide with putting the truth bearer Agatha on a pedestal of sorts as she predicts what Anderton's son's life would have been like.

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